I Want to Join the JAC Program
Hearing about the program from friends? Seeing our social media posts? Here are some things you should know if you'd like to join the program.
Our space is limited, so if we say no to your application, please understand it's just a "not just yet". Our volunteers are dedicated but limited, and our resources as a non-profit (no registration fees) organization are limited.
We are a Christian Adventure program. What does this mean? At the beginning of each event, there is a small Bible lesson and a memory verse. The memory verse will be in their take-home manuals. This will give them an opportunity to memorize their verse on their own time and then know it for the end of a Training Level.
Our training locations for the kids may change from event to event. One event may be down the number 12 highway heading towards New Ross, then 6km down a logging road. Other times it may be the backyard of someone's property usually in the Berwick area or along the Bay of Fundy shore. On Occasion, we may be in the Greenwood area.
Our program runs every two weeks on a Saturday with a start time of 10 am with it going no later than 2 pm. For special events, this may change. Notice will be given before that happens.
The JAC program operates in such a way that each Registered Junior Adventurer will receive a manual they can take home with them. It will contain a story, some homework, knowledge cards, level-up cards and their memory verse. It is very important that they bring them in their packs every week. New pages will be added and homework checked.
Junior Adventurers are expected to have their little backpacks with them and have on them at a JAC event. They can take it off during activities, but it's expected their snacks and food are in their packs with them. This will help keep the training running smoothly and have fewer interruptions as the Adventurers try to find their parents to get their snacks, often leaving the watchful eyes of their crew and Instructor.
We do have a weather crew that monitors the weather. Depending on what event is happening they may have to cancel for that week. Please monitor your email the Friday night before an event and even take a peak Saturday morning if you think there's a chance there may be a cancellation.
Have more questions, or want to join? Don't hesitate to reach out anytime. You can find us on FB or Instagram. You can also send us an email at: junioradventurersclub@gmail.com